Brew Tea Co’s Decaffeinated Ceylon Loose Leaf Tea

Proudly plonked on more than 60,000 kitchen counters throughout the UK (mine included), my new beverage of choice is Bew Tea Co's decaffeinated Ceylon loose leaf tea.
Most new tea companies are set up by industry experts, however Brew Tea Co began as outsiders. Co-Founders Phil and Aideen do not have tea-related backgrounds, yet both shared a passion for doing something exciting and new in an industry they loved yet felt needed a change. Having not been exposed to the ‘insider’ tea industry, they challenged the norms by asking questions others wouldn’t regarding quality of tea, where it came from, packaging options and changing the way tea is talked about or categorised.
Decaffeinated Ceylon Loose Leaf Tea
Recently I’ve looked to decaffeinated beverages to curb a rather excessive caffeine habit that has developed from WFH. I’ve tried many alternatives but the Ceylon Tea has to be my favourite so far. A lot of decaf products can often taste rather ‘dishwatery’ however, Brew Tea is decaffeinated by using the CO2 process and this locks in the woody/ earthy flavour of the Ceylon Tea.
Having had such a great experience with the Ceylon Tea, I will certainly be branching out to try more of the decaffeinated range from Brew Tea Co… I’m sure they will be Tea-riffic!